Community of Practice ForumThe OPA Wellness Committee is a voice that advocates for the overall wellness of all paramedics across Ontario and is happy to present a community of practice forum,
Sharing Strategies on How to Protect and Improve Paramedic Wellness.
Date: April 23, 2024, 8:00AM-4:00PM A networking opportunity for Wellness Coordinators to come together to learn and share strategies with Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Lorraine Smith-McDonald, St. Stephens College/University of Alberta. Topic: Moral Injury, what is it, why does it matter, what can we do about it?
Click here for more information and purchase tickets.
OPA Wellness Committee - PurposeThe purpose of the Ontario Paramedic Association Wellness Committee [OPAWC] is to equip Paramedics with pragmatic tools for attaining a wellness continuum within the field of Paramedicine. This Committee has been established by the Ontario Paramedic Association [OPA] which has a vested interest in supporting the health and well-being of its members. The aim of this Committee is to identify and implement systems of support through educational initiatives, community engagement and political advocacy. |
RESPond StudyCrisis line services are changing. Make your voice heard.
pspmentalhealth.caAn interactive tool designed to help PSP and their families search for, compare, and find support that fits their needs, no matter where they are in the country. |
#PTSDpreventionprojectThe #PTSDpreventionproject is a movement that shares strategies that paramedics use to stay well. We have shared some of ours, what are yours? Please share on your favourite social media platform with the hashtag #PTSDpreventionproject |
ATLAS Institute- Public Safety Personnel and PTSD Injuries New resources launched to support public safety personnel with post-traumatic stress injuries |
Boots on the GroundAnonymous peer support for First Responders, by First Responders. |
Wounded WarriorsHelping Canada's veterans, first responders and their families feel: safe, supported and understood |
PSHSAPSHSA.ca Course Catalogue |
PSHSA - Resilient Me ResilientME is a free PSHSA, 30-minute self-guided microlearning that focuses on 6 areas: mental fitness, physical fitness, nutrition, financial fitness, sleep and social connections. |
Ready for DutyPSHSA, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University have teamed up to develop cutting-edge resources to support our paramedics in maintaining their health, wellbeing and readiness-for-duty. Resources including the Ready for Duty eLearning series and Ready for Duty mobile app |
Sleep 101, Treatment 101, & ER2MRCIPSRT Training and Development is excited to announce the release of multiple ER2MR, Treatment 101 and Sleep 101 course offerings. These courses are free of charge and available to Public Safety Personnel (PSP). |
OAPC Psychological Wellness DirectoryA useful directory of services across the Province from the OAPC |
PSPNETPSPNET was founded to support the mental health and wellbeing of public safety personnel (PSP) or first responders and to provide resources for PSP family members. |
PSP Mental HealthPSP Mental Health was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The purpose of this website is to provide a list of mental health support services available to Canadian public safety personnel (PSP) and their families. |
Health and Wellness ResourcesAchieving
a balance between rest, nutrition, movement and emotional health is important for the Paramedic and their loved
ones to maintain in order to avoid physical and emotional depletion.
The OPA Wellness Committee is working to bring you information to help support you and your family in this time of need. |
Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and TreatmentAs part of the National Research Consortium, CIPSRT serves as the Knowledge Exchange Hub for knowledge synthesis, translation, and exchange that relies upon the best contemporary research evidence supporting an overall mission to help current and former public safety personnel, their leaders, and their families to maintain and improve their mental health and well-being. |
OPA Wellness Committee - Working Group PostingThe OPA Wellness Committee is seeking motivated individuals to join an external Working Group designed to support the health and wellness of the paramedic community. |