Are you interested in attending an Ontario College to become a Paramedic or upgrade to a higher Level of Practice?
This section will give you the information you need to seek an Ontario College curriculum in either Primary Care Paramedicine, Advanced Care Paramedicine or Critical Care Paramedicine.
Primary Care Paramedics
Primary Care Paramedic Program - Admission Requirements
In Ontario, anyone who wishes to become a Primary Care Paramedic (AEMCA - Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant) must attend a recognized 2 year Primary Care Paramedic program in a community college. Most colleges require proof of the following prerequisites before you apply to their program:
Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) college curriculums in Ontario
Once you have acquired the Admission Requirements (prerequisites) that are needed to become a Primary Care Paramedic, you can apply to any of the following Ontario Colleges:
View paramedic programs that are accredited by Accreditation Canada.
For more information, visit the Ontario Ministry of Health - Paramedic Education and Training Programs or and search for "paramedic".
Advanced Care Paramedics
Advanced Care Paramedic Program - Admission Requirements
In Ontario, anyone who wishes to become an Advanced Care Paramedic must first successfully complete a 2 year Primary Care Paramedic program in an Ontario community college. The Advanced Care Paramedic program is a 3rd year.
Paramedics who are currently employed in a Paramedic Service in the province of Ontario, with a minimum of 2-3 years experience are often given first consideration. Most colleges require proof of all the Primary Care Paramedic prerequisites as well as proof of completion of an Ontario Primary Care Paramedic Program.
Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) curriculums in Ontario
Once you have acquired the Admission Requirements (prerequisites) that are needed to become an Advanced Care Paramedic, you can apply to any of the following Ontario Colleges:
View paramedic programs that are accredited by Accreditation Canada.
Critical Care Paramedics
Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) college curriculums in Ontario
Once you have acquired the Admission Requirements (prerequisites) that are needed to become a Critical Care Paramedic, you can apply to the following: